kubectl describe pv pvc-74a498d6-3929-47e8-8c02-078c1ece4d78 Name: . you configure default StorageClass, this PVC not updated. order keep binding PVs storageClassName set "" . ReferenceGrant part the gateway.networking.k8s.io extension APIs.
Storage Classes. document describes concept a StorageClass Kubernetes. Familiarity volumes persistent volumes suggested. StorageClass a for administrators describe classes storage offer. classes map quality-of-service levels, to backup policies, to arbitrary policies determined the cluster administrators.
The PVC specifies access modes, storage size, can reference specific StorageClass. ii) Binding. Binding PVC PV: Kubernetes control plane attempts bind PVC an PV .
The relations PVC, PV StorageClass very simple. PVC just request a storage particular type (specified storageClassName) size (that listed PV) . storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: StorageClass metadata: name: slow provisioner: kubernetes.io/gce-pd parameters: type: pd-standard fstype: ext4 replication-type: .
The easiest to create PV/PVC pair your Pod to a StorageClass object, then the storageclass create PV-PVC pair dynamically you to it. . storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: StorageClass metadata: name: local-device annotations: openebs.io/cas-type: local cas.openebs.io/config: | - name: StorageType .
The easiest to create PV-PVC pair Pod to a StorageClass (SC) object, then the StorageClass create PV-PVC pair dynamically you to it .
This StorageClass named 'fast' the 'k8s.io/minikube-hostpath' provisioner is designed provide SSD storage. a PVC specifies 'fast' storage class, new PV .
Finally, demonstrate ways resize PV PVC. tested code this tutorial Debian 12 (Bookworm) GNU Bash 5.2.15. . $ kubectl pvc STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE hostpath-vol0-claim Bound hostpath-vol0 6Gi RWO xclass 27m pod0-claim Bound pvc-04ae85d9-6c3b-4f56-8ed0-7e666f965991 2Gi RWO .
After applying PVC kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml, can inspect status kubectl pvc mypvc, should automatically bind a newly created PV, showing STATUS: Bound. Advanced Usage Storage Classes. you more experienced Kubernetes, you'll encounter advanced use-cases Storage Classes.
Binding. a user creates PVC a specific amount storage requested with access modes. control loop the master watches newly created PVCs finds identical PV (if possible), binds together. a PV dynamically provisioned a PVC, loop always bind PV the PVC.
k8s之PV、PVC和StorageClass | 郑文峰的博客
k8s之PV、PVC、StorageClass详解 - 知乎
k8s之PV、PVC和StorageClass - 墨天轮
K8S存储 之 PV 与 PVC_k8spvc和pv区别-CSDN博客
小白学k8s(12)-k8s中PV和PVC理解 - ZhanLi - 博客园
k8s -- pv (static + dynamic storageclass) and pvc
K8S 生产实践-12-共享存储-PV、PVC 和 StorageClass | Digtime社区 - 高品质的AI学习开发社区
k8s之PV、PVC和StorageClass | 郑文峰的博客
k8s之PV、PVC、StorageClass详解 - 知乎
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k8s之PV、PVC、StorageClass详解 - 掘金
k8s 的 PV 和 PVC 以及动态绑定过程_51CTO博客_K8s pv pvc
一文读懂 K8s 持久化存储流程 - 知乎
k8s之PV、PVC和StorageClass | 郑文峰的博客
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[K8S] 쿠버네티스에서 Volume을 공유하기 위한 방법들 (Volume, PV, PVC, StorageClass)
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大白话说明白K8S的PV / PVC / StorageClass(理论+实践) - 知乎
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