Still hangs me, with grace period force options. - Draemon. Commented Feb 17, 2023 10:55. 14. It's 2023 do have do . can following command delete PV PVC forcefully. #kubectl delete pvc <PVC_NAME> --grace-period=0 --force your case. #kubectl delete pvc task-pv-claim --grace-period=0 .
Having trouble deleting persistent volume claim (P VC) stuck " termin ating " status Ku ber net es / Op ens hift? 've the fix. Read to learn to patch PVC allow final mount delete PVC. Issue. working a Kubernetes demo a customer, was cleaning my environment deleting persistent volume claims (PVC) were longer need.
From output, notice a pod named my-pod using PVC named my-pvc. Now, we attempt delete PVC deleting pod, PVC stuck a terminating state: $ kubectl delete pvc my-pvc persistentvolumeclaim "my-pvc" deleted. running command, observe it terminates.
Use following command identify pods using PVC: kubectl pods --selector=<selector-matching-the-PVC> Update pods stop the PVC delete if are longer needed. Step 3: Check Finalizers. the command inspect PVC's finalizers: kubectl pvc -o=jsonpath='{.metadata.finalizers}'
Delete PV(Persistent Volume) PVC(Persistent Volume Claim) stuck terminating state. you experiencing issues deleting Persistent Volume Persistent Volume Claim Kubernetes (AKS). we execute kubectl delete pv kubectl delete pvc command, becomes unresponsive gets stuck the terminating state. if try abort operation, remains stuck .
The deletion PV(Persistent Volume) PVC(Persistent Volume claim) pretty dependent the Delete reclaim policy. you planning delete Persistent Volume well Persistent Volume Claim you follow order -. delete - Persistent Volume Claim; delete- Persistent Volume (Note* - should delete PV(Persistent Volume) deleting .
kubectl delete pvc --all / pvc-name; kubectl delete pv --all / pv-name; Share. Improve answer. Follow edited Mar 18, 2020 15:19. OTStats. 1,868 1 1 gold badge 14 14 silver badges 22 22 bronze badges. answered Mar 18, 2020 12:35. Shreyas Shreyas.
I a quick google found needed verify the PVC still attached a node the cluster. kubectl volumeattachment. could it was, the reason this the configuration the PVC not fully updated the delete process. Fix. found fix this github issue log.
It necessary troubleshoot resources failing be deleted why. PVC probably attached node cluster, check with: kubectl volumeattachment Forcing Deletion a Namespace Patch PVC set "finalizers" setting null, allows final unmount the node, the PVC be deleted.
Solution: obviously to manually delete the persistent volume claim (kubectl delete pvc demo-db-storage-demo-db-deployment-0). that the (obviously pending) PV delete finished. was to apply resources and a Volume, PV, PVC, a running pod.
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