A longer term solution referring 2 facts: You're ReadWriteOnce access mode the volume be mounted read-write a single node. Pods be schedule K8S Scheduler a node multiple reason. switching ReadWriteMany the volume be mounted read-write many nodes.
Addressing Issue: resolve Multi-Attach error, categories solutions be considered: workaround solution a permanent solution. Workaround Solution: a.
In of cases you that PVC attached another pod throwing Multi-Attach error, you free the volume that pod attach the pod you like but happen those cases PVC showing attached the pod you trying reinitialize.
Resolving Multi-Attach Error: Volume Exclusively Attached One Node RHOCP Solution Verified - Updated 2024-06-03T19:42:34+00:00 - English
Kubernetes version1.22.2 Cloud Provider Vsphere version 6.7 Architecture: 3 Masters 15 Workers happened: of pods some "unknown" reason down, when try lift up, couldn't attach existing PVC. only happened a specific pod, the didn't any kind problem. did expect happen: Pods dynamically assume PVCs .
The technical storage access strictly for legitimate purpose enabling use a specific service explicitly requested the subscriber user, for sole purpose carrying the transmission a communication an electronic communications network.
VP @OpenEBS & @MayaData_Inc. Murat Karslioglu a serial entrepreneur, technologist, startup advisor over 15 years experience storage, distributed systems, enterprise hardware development.
The oc pods command the --output wide option be to that pod already the Persistent Volume mounted (my-pod-k8vr2) running node worker-hsjrp, the Persistent Volume not attached my-pod-4n89p the pod running a node (worker-v8r9r).
Warning FailedMount 5m (x4 12m) kubelet, k8s-agents-64535979-2 Unable mount volumes for pod "kalo-exchange-mobile-54456b48b-g2fqz_kalo(e96c104b-5b99-11e9-a6b9-000d3a2cf7e3)": timeout expired waiting volumes attach mount pod "kalo"/"kalo-exchange-mobile-54456b48b-g2fqz". list unmounted volumes=[logs filebeat-data]. list unattached volumes=[config logs filebeat-config .
Such errors also occur the pods should the volume located different nodes. you to ReadWriteMany , recommend CSI our object storage the volumes based it support access mode:
Demystifying the Multi-Attach Error for Volume: Causes and Solutions
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Demystifying the Multi-Attach Error for Volume: Causes and Solutions
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Amazon EBS Multi-Attach - Tutorials Dojo