I want statefulset use PVC have created. Instead, is creating PVC a storageclass. apiVersion: v1 kind: statefulset metadata: name: spec: # for service object created the operator serviceName: mongodb-service selector: {} # Specifies size the data volume from default .
In instance have existing volumes are unbound ready be assigned be Pod names match naming convention the StatefulSet use create PV PVC.
DISK1_ID DISK2_ID: identifiers your pre-existing persistent disks. PVC_TEMPLATE_NAME-STATEFULSET_NAME- PVC_TEMPLATE_NAME-STATEFULSET_NAME-1: names the automatically generated PersistentVolumeClaims the format defined the previous step. STORAGE_CLASS_NAME: name your StorageClass. Apply configuration:
We a statefulset 3 pods. am to understand case catastrophe can recreate statefulset existing pvc pv old/dead statefulset? means pod-0 use pv-0, pod-1 use pv-1 etc. you! Archived post. comments be posted votes be cast.
If are an existing cluster, sure it's to use cluster's default namespace practice. . can stage update a StatefulSet using partition . STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE www-web- Bound pvc-2bf00408-d366-4a12-bad0-1869c65d0bee 1Gi RWO standard 25m www-web-1 Bound pvc-ba3bfe9c .
This PVC definition comes the PVC template (volumeClaimTemplates), is standard process StatefulSet Pod creation. Thus, the web-0 Pod created, Kubernetes find PVC named www-web- locate previously existing PVC the name, then find PV bound this PVC.
How I sure starting pod grabs it's pvc? pods am are called test so the pvcs. when start the containers have pod called test-0, test-1 test-2. PCVs called claim-0, claim-1 claim-2. options I to pod test-0 grab claim-0 pvc, pod-1 grab claim-1, etc?
We create new pvc using existing pv any data loss (PV exist, typically exist the reclaim policy storageclass Retain) Step -1 : ensure pv moved Available state will changed deleting PVC. kubectl pv <pv name>
Want use pvc created one. (This step did the statefulset deployment) --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: redis-data-pvc spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 10Gi. check resource kubernetes
This manifest sets a simple web application nginx. Notice volumeClaimTemplates section, automates creation PVCs each Pod. Handling Storage VolumeClaimTemplates. VolumeClaimTemplates straightforward: metadata.name the VolumeClaimTemplate defines PVC prefix each Pod.
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